Climate change and environmental degradation are among the biggest threats of our times, and they affect every person on the planet. At, we believe that simple actions can lead to big changes. That’s why we’ve created a collection of ecology calculators to help you increase your awareness and make a positive impact on society.
Want to check how much plastic you produce in a year? Or calculate the carbon footprint of your recent flight? Maybe you’re curious about the smog levels in your city and how living in an urban area is equivalent to smoking a certain number of cigarettes. These tools are designed to encourage you to take small steps toward a greener life.
Little by little, these calculators can help you make a difference. Start today and see how easy it is to contribute to a healthier planet!
Eco Footprint Calculators ♻️
Bag Footprint
Calculator |
Christmas Tree
Footprint Calculator |
COVID-19 Waste Calculator |
Footprint Calculator |
Flight Carbon
Footprint Calculator |
Hand Drying Footprint
Calculator |
Kaya Identity Calculator |
Footprint Calculator |
Plastic Footprint
Calculator |
Reduce Your Plastic
Calculator |
Vegan Footprint Calculator |
Renewable Energy Calculators 🔋
Hydroelectric Power
Calculator |
Solar Panel Calculator |
Solar Panel Wattage Calculator |
Wind Turbine
Calculator |
Wind Turbine Profit
Calculator |
Sustainable Living Calculators 🌍💚
Books vs e-Books
Calculator |
Car vs. Bike
Calculator |
Cigarette Butts Cleanup Calculator |
Drip Faucet
Calculator |
Global Plastic
Policy Calculator |
Olympic Games
Sustainability Calculator |
Plug-in Hybrid Economy Calculator |
Tap Water
Calculator |
Tree Benefits
Calculator |
Water Demand
Calculator |
Other Calculators
Carrying Capacity
Calculator |
CO₂ Breathing Emission
Calculator |
Fish Mercury Calculator |
Calculator |
Passive House
Savings Calculator |
Shannon Diversity
Index Calculator |
Smog Calculator |